
Once you decide to pay a supplier bill, you can select to pay by check. You can then print all the payments registered by check. Finally, the bank reconciliation process will match the checks you sent to suppliers with actual bank statements.



To activate the checks payment method, go to Accounting ‣ Configuration ‣ Checks, there you can activate the payment method as well as set up the Check Layout. Once activated the Checks setting, the feature is automatically setup for your Outgoing Payments.


Some countries require specific modules to print checks; such modules may be installed by default. For instance, the U.S. Checks Layout module is required to print U.S. checks.



对于美国, Odoo默认支持支票格式 :

  • Quickbooks & Quicken: check on top, stubs in the middle and bottom;

  • Peachtree: check in the middle, stubs on top and bottom;

  • ADP: 在底部检查,存根在顶部.


用支票支付采购开票, 需要三个步骤:

  1. registering a payment

  2. 批量打印所有的已登记付款

  3. reconciling bank statements


To register a payment, open any supplier bill from the menu Purchases ‣ Vendor Bills. Once the supplier bill is validated, you can register a payment. Set the Payment Method to Checks and validate the payment.