Force Edit Button.Edit then Save Button.强制编辑保存按键

Add edit button to odoo form. Must click Edit First to change record. This To avoid input mistake.
Show Save / Discard only if we change the record. Make your odoo 16 same as former odoo version 15 below.
¥ 298.83 298.83 CNY
¥ 3,009.71 3009.71 CNY
产品Spu体积长宽高,Product Dimension. Length,Width,Height

Add product length, width, height setup. Auto calculate the Volume. Effect on product template, SPU only.
¥ 293.14 293.14 CNY
POS Wechat Pay China,微信支付收银台.商家扫客户-客户扫商家,网站支付
¥ 9,248.10 9248.1 CNY
Wechat work SSO Login Oauth. Odoo Login Signup via wechat corporation.Odoo企业微信整合登录注册

SSO wxwork wechat work Login and Wxwork Signup. Wxwork bind odoo account. Wxwork oauth2 login. Use Wxwork account to login.
Easy get user information including nick, openid, avatar. Easy bind to odoo account with same email account.
¥ 1,778.26 1778.26 CNY
¥ 441.38 441.38 CNY
Douyin SSO Login Oauth.Odoo抖音整合登录注册.Odoo Login Signup via Douyin

SSO Douyin Login and Douyin Signup. Douyin bind odoo account. Douyin oauth2 login. Use Douyin taobao account to login.
Easy get user information including nick, openid, avatar. Easy bind to odoo account with same email account.
¥ 1,778.26 1778.26 CNY
SSO支付宝淘宝odoo登录-Odoo Login Signup via Alipay taobao oauth
1. 支付宝/阿里系淘宝账号的Odoo登录注册整合,标准 Oauth2 协议处理
2. SSO统一用户登录,支持一个odoo账号绑定各种社交账号,如微信(额外付费),QQ(额外付费),google, facebook, odoo官方账号等
3. 快速获取用户详情,如名称,头像,openid等接口返回的信息
4. 高度定制化,可配置为必须绑定邮箱或者直接免输入登录,PC端及移动端各自是否可见
5. 自适应界面,桌面端与移动端
¥ 1,778.26 1778.26 CNY
Alipay Payment in China. 中国区阿里支付宝支付

Alipay, Alibaba payment for my account. 支付宝支付本商户模式。
Website show QRCode, alipay scan and pay(支付宝扫码当面付). Alipay Login then pay.
Mobile pay in browser (手机浏览器支付支持)
Auto confirm, auto invoice after payment. easy Reconciliation.
¥ 1,864.77 1864.77 CNY
Ai Center,Mass AIGC Generator.Ai Integrate ERP.全Ai服务管理中心

Odoo AI Center. Manage all Ai in odoo. Mass AIGC support. Ai Employee.
Multi Ai aigc support with Chatgpt,Microsoft Cognitive, Azure ai, Azure openai, Ali Qwen Ai, Azure Ai, Baidu Ai,etc.
Support chatgpt all version like 4 32k.
¥ 538.75 538.75 CNY
Ai OCR. Paddle OCR.

Odoo module template. module sample with 170+ widget list. Clone this sample to your name to quick create your odoo addons.
Developer reference guides, Developer Tutorials.
Sample manifest, .py, .xml views and data. report, action, menu..
¥ 844.00 844.0 CNY
Ai Media, Ai网站多媒体优化管理
Ai自动seo增强。自动获取公开图片库。自动远程图片视频转本地。ctrl+c组合Ctrl+v自动剪切板内容转图片并静态化。自动图片Base64转静态图文件。自动图片加alt标签(seo必需) 。自动图片精度优化。
¥ 221.19 221.19 CNY
odoo17 Theme, Odoo新(17)旧皮肤随心换-主题自由切换

17 theme. 1 Click to Odoo 17 UI. Use odoo 17 new icon for your odoo.
Easy switch to odoo 17, and easy restore origin Odoo theme.
¥ 141.98 141.98 CNY
Website sitemap SEO. Multi website sitemap.Boost seo rank.网站地图SEO优化

SEO sitemap make spider know your website. Easy configure PRIORITY and FREQUENCY parameters in Sitemap.
Real Sitemap for multi website. multi language sitemap.
Sitemap split page, easy exclude url.
¥ 453.04 453.04 CNY
Odoo Module Sample. App sample with widget. Odoo开发规范模板

Odoo module template. module sample with 170+ widget list. Clone this sample to your name to quick create your odoo addons.
Developer reference guides, Developer Tutorials.
Sample manifest, .py, .xml views and data. report, action, menu..
¥ 24.33 24.33 CNY
¥ 0.01 0.01 CNY
¥ 2,762.33 2762.33 CNY
Website Ai Seo, Chatgpt Ai Editor, html wysiwyg Ai Editor.全站Ai Seo,Chatgpt Ai 编辑器,页面Ai 编辑器
使用 Ai 进行 SEO。提高谷歌、必应等搜索引擎排名。像 ChatGPT 这样的 Ai 有助于自动 seo 工作。
¥ 1,662.56 1662.56 CNY
Sale Procurement Plan. 自定义MRP销售安排

Manual set how product supply in Sale order. sale order manufacture plan , purchase plan, use stock plan.
Set every product supply by manufacture + buy + use stock.
Add a manual node before normal procurement.增加人工控制的补货组。
¥ 786.35 786.35 CNY
Merge Sale Order

Merge Sale Orders in new SO or existing SO.
Merge in to one customer, quantity sum, average price.
¥ 533.99 533.99 CNY