¥ 3.00 3.0 CNY
Ai Center,Mass AIGC Generator.Ai Integrate ERP.全Ai服务管理中心

Odoo AI Center. Manage all Ai in odoo. Mass AIGC support. Ai Employee.
Multi Ai aigc support with Chatgpt,Microsoft Cognitive, Azure ai, Azure openai, Ali Qwen Ai, Azure Ai, Baidu Ai,etc.
Support chatgpt all version like 4 32k.
¥ 538.75 538.75 CNY
Ai Media, Ai网站多媒体优化管理
Ai自动seo增强。自动获取公开图片库。自动远程图片视频转本地。ctrl+c组合Ctrl+v自动剪切板内容转图片并静态化。自动图片Base64转静态图文件。自动图片加alt标签(seo必需) 。自动图片精度优化。
¥ 221.19 221.19 CNY
Ai OCR. Paddle OCR.

Odoo module template. module sample with 170+ widget list. Clone this sample to your name to quick create your odoo addons.
Developer reference guides, Developer Tutorials.
Sample manifest, .py, .xml views and data. report, action, menu..
¥ 844.00 844.0 CNY
ChatGpt Odoo AI Center.多 Ai aigc 支持与 Ali Qwen Ai、Azure Ai、百度 Ai 等(非Chatgpt需额外付费)。
支持 chatgpt 4 32k,集成所有 ChatGpt API 和 Azure OpenAi及中国可用Ai。
¥ 4.00 4.0 CNY
Alipay Payment in China. 中国区阿里支付宝支付

Alipay, Alibaba payment for my account. 支付宝支付本商户模式。
Website show QRCode, alipay scan and pay(支付宝扫码当面付). Alipay Login then pay.
Mobile pay in browser (手机浏览器支付支持)
Auto confirm, auto invoice after payment. easy Reconciliation.
¥ 1,864.77 1864.77 CNY
App Account Invoice Product Multi Batch Add

App Account Invoice Product Multi Batch Add
Odoo App of odooai.cn
¥ 1.00 1.0 CNY
App Purchase Discount Global, discount for total or line

Setup Purchase order discounts, global discount or product discount. print purchase order discount.
¥ 304.91 304.91 CNY
App Row Number in tree list view

Show row number in tree/list view. list number,list index list row number, tree number, tree index。
Show record order, record number.
¥ 304.91 304.91 CNY
App Sale multi currency, 多币种销售增强

Show Amount in company main currency in Sale order list, quotation list.
¥ 304.91 304.91 CNY
App Stock Multi Company Enhance.

Stock enhance for multi company.
Show product qty only the company we choosed in relate order.
¥ 304.91 304.91 CNY
App Stock Picking Order Product Multi Batch Add

App Stock Picking Order Product Multi Batch Add
Odoo App of odooai.cn
¥ 1.00 1.0 CNY
App crm browse by stage and team

Browse crm lead by stage and team. Use for parent children tree list kanban navigator.
ztree widget.Hierarchy Tree.Parent Children relation tree..
¥ 1.00 1.0 CNY
App stock picking type group,仓库单据类别

Stock picking group in list or kanban view.
¥ 142.55 142.55 CNY
Barcode Image Widget

Show barcode in form , easy config. support code128, ean-13, ean-8. easy set width and height.
barcode widget. barcode image widget. no_text=1 to empty text in readonly mode.
<field name="barcode" widget="barcode_img" options="{'code': 'Code128', 'width': 250, 'height': 50, 'no_text': 1}"/>
¥ 304.91 304.91 CNY
BoM Stage,Bom阶段-技术BoM开发Bom

Set stage of bom.
ebom for 开发BoM.
pbom for 技术BoM
mbom for 生产BoM
Odoo App of odooai.cn
¥ 304.91 304.91 CNY
China State Global, 中国省份全球化外贸专用

chinese state and city for global business. use for export and import trade.
change all chinese state and city in english. auto translate to chinese. chinese international.
¥ 301.95 301.95 CNY
Chinese Fapiao, 中国式发票管理
¥ 298.83 298.83 CNY
Chinese Website,中国化网站基本模块增强
网站中文增强。增加中国 ICP设置。中国网站社交链接,如QQ,微信等。
基于 renjie 的 website_china_features ,大量优化
¥ 301.83 301.83 CNY
Contacts Customer Supplier Quick Search by superbar

Browse contacts by company. Use for parent children tree list kanban navigator.
ztree widget.Hierarchy Tree.Parent Children relation tree..
Add date range search.
¥ 2.00 2.0 CNY