
Advanced Use Cases: Views

  • Case scenario 1: in Sales, show orders in a Kanban View instead of a List View.

From the Sales page, access Studio and, under Views, set the Kanban option as the default one.

View of the Kanban option being set as the default one in Odoo Studio
  • Case scenario 2: allow for the list of leads to be edited inline without having to switch to the form view.
On the List View, under View > Editable, choose between New record on top or New record at the bottom. This way, besides defining the order in which new records are displayed in the view, you are able to edit them.
If the field is left blank, no editing is possible and records are shown based on your column preferences on the lead’s page (front-end).
View options emphasizing the editable options of a leads page in Odoo Studio