
Configure Amazon Connector in Odoo

Generate an Authorization Token in Seller Central

The Amazon Connector uses an Authorization Token that allows Odoo to fetch data from your Amazon Seller Central account. This token can be obtained directly through Seller Central in a few clicks and needs to be set up in your Odoo database configuration.

Connect to your Seller Central account for the marketplace you initially signed up (e.g. if you created your account on Amazon Germany, go to Amazon Seller Central for Germany) with an administrator account.

In the main menu, select Apps & Services ‣ Manage Your Apps; in the page that displays, click on the Authorize new developper button:

Fill in the form depending on your Marketplace:

If your seller account is registered in the North America region, use these values:

  • Developer’s Name: Odoo S.A.
  • Developer ID: 586127723692

For the Europe region, use these values:

  • Developer’s Name: Odoo S.A.
  • Developer ID: 579095187166

Amazon will then inform you that by submitting the form, you are giving access to your Seller Central Information to Odoo S.A.

Register your Amazon account in Odoo

To register your seller account in Odoo, navigate to Sales ‣ Configuration ‣ Settings ‣ Connectors ‣ Amazon Sync ‣ Amazon Accounts and click on CREATE.

The Seller ID can be found in Seller Central under the link Your Merchant Token on the Seller Account Information page. The Authorization Token is the one you generated in the previous step.

Upon saving, your credentials are checked. In case of issues, an error will be displayed - the information cannot be saved until your credentials are recognized by Amazon.

Once the account is registered, the marketplaces available to this account are synchronized and listed under the Marketplaces tab. If you wish, you can remove some items from the list of synchronized marketplaces to disable their synchronization.

Match database products in Amazon

When an Amazon order is synchronized, up to three sales order items are created in Odoo for each product sold on Amazon: one for the marketplace product, one for the shipping charges (if any) and one for the gift wrapping charges (if any).

The selection of a database product for a sales order item is done by matching its internal reference with the SKU for marketplace items, the shipping code for delivery charges, and the gift wrapping code for gift wrapping charges.

For marketplace products, pairings are saved as Amazon Offers which are listed under the Offers stat button on the account form. Offers are automatically created when the pairing is established and are used for subsequent orders to lookup SKUs. If no offer with a matching SKU is found, the internal reference is used instead.

If no database product with a matching internal reference is found for a given SKU or gift wrapping code, a default database product Amazon Sale is used. The same is done with the default product Amazon Shipping and the shipping code.

Configure taxes of products

To allow for tax reporting of Amazon sales with Odoo, the taxes applied to the sales order items are those set on the product or determined by the fiscal position. Make sure to have set the correct taxes on your products in Odoo or to have it done by a fiscal position, to avoid discrepancies in the subtotals between Seller Central and Odoo.

Add an unsupported marketplace

Some Amazon Marketplaces, such as Amazon Brazil, are not officially supported by Odoo but might be compatible with your seller account. These marketplaces can be added manually should you wish to use them. See here for the exhaustive list of natively supported marketplaces.

To add a new marketplace, you must first enable Developer mode.

Once that is done, go to Sales ‣ Configuration ‣ Settings ‣ Connectors ‣ Amazon Sync ‣ Amazon Marketplaces.

From there, you can create a new marketplace record. You will need the Marketplace ID and Endpoint for your marketplace as described in the Amazon Documentation.

Set the name of the record to Amazon.<domain> to easily retrieve it (for instance: Amazon.se). The Code, Domain and API Identifier fields should respectively hold the Country Code, Amazon MWS Endpoint and MarketplaceId values from the Amazon Documentation.

Once the marketplace is saved, you should then update the Amazon Account configuration by going to Sales ‣ Configuration ‣ Settings ‣ Connectors ‣ Amazon Sync ‣ Amazon Accounts, open the account on which you wish to use the new marketplace, go to the Marketplaces tab and click on Update available marketplaces (an animation should confirm the success of the operation). Newly added marketplaces are automatically added to the list of synchronized marketplaces. If the new marketplace is not added to the list, it means that it is either incompatible or unavailable for your seller account.