
How to import products with categories and variants

导入工具中提供导入模板,适用于大多数数据(联系人、产品、银行对账单等)导入。可以用任何电子表格软件(如Microsoft Office, OpenOffice, Google Drive等)


  • 删除你不需要的行。建议不要删除*ID*1(原因如下)
  • 将ID排序下拉,为每个记录设置一个独一无二的ID。
  • Don’t change labels of columns you want to import. Otherwise Odoo won’t recognize them anymore and you will have to map them on your own in the import screen.
  • To add new columns,Feel free to add new columns but the fields need to exist in Odoo. If Odoo fails in matching the column name with a field, you can make it manually when importing by browsing a list of available fields.


The ID is an unique identifier for the line item. Feel free to use the one of your previous software to ease the transition to Odoo.


  • 更新导入:在不创建副本的情况下多次导入同一个文件;
  • 导入关系字段(见下文)



可以使用关联的记录或ID号导入。当两个记录的名称相同时需要ID号进行区分,即在行标题的末尾添加。” / ID”。(如产品属性:产品属性/属性 / ID)