

  • 商业交易记录,包括带有所有权转移的商品用于使用、消费、投资或再销售;

  • 没有所有权转移的货物运输(例如库存调拨或外包生产或加工前后的货物运输以及维修或修理后);

  • 商品退回。


虽然 Intrastat 系统继续使用,但是“Intrastat”一词在 `最新的法规<http://data.europa.eu/eli/reg/2019/2152/2022-01-01>`_ 中不再使用,而改称为“商品内部贸易统计数据”。



General configuration

Enable the Intrastat report by going to Accounting ‣ Configuration ‣ Settings. Under the Customer Invoices section, tick Intrastat and then Save.

Default transaction codes: invoice and refund

You can set a default transaction code for all newly created invoice and refund transactions. Under Accounting ‣ Configuration ‣ Settings, select a Default invoice transaction code and/or a Default refund transaction code and then Save. The code will be set automatically on all respective invoice lines.

Region code

The region code is only used by Belgian companies. Under Accounting ‣ Configuration ‣ Settings, select the Company Intrastat Region where the company is located and then Save.


If your warehouses are located in more than one region, you can define the region code at the level of each warehouse instead. To do so, go to Inventory ‣ Configuration ‣ Warehouses, select a warehouse, set its Intrastat region, and then Save.

Adding the Intrastat region to a warehouse


All products must be properly configured to be included in the Intrastat report.


Commodity codes are internationally recognized reference numbers used to classify goods depending on their nature. Intrastat uses the Combined Nomenclature.

To add a commodity code, go to Accounting ‣ Customers ‣ Products and select a product. Under the Accounting tab, set the product’s Commodity Code.

Quantity: weight and supplementary unit

Depending on the nature of the goods, it is necessary to specify either the product’s weight in kilos (without packaging) or the product’s supplementary unit, such as square meter (m2), number of items (p/st), liter (l), or gram (g).

To add a product’s weight or supplementary unit, go to Accounting ‣ Customers ‣ Products and select a product. Under the Accounting tab, depending on the commodity code set, either fill in the product Weight or its Supplementary Units.

Country of origin

To add the product’s country of origin, go to Accounting ‣ Customers ‣ Products and select a product. Under the Accounting tab, set the Country of Origin.

Invoices and bills configuration

Once products are properly configured, several settings must be configured on the invoices and bills you create.

Transaction code

Transaction codes are used to identify a transaction’s nature. Default transaction codes can be set for invoice and refund transactions.

To set a transaction code on an invoice line, create an invoice or a bill, click the columns selection button, tick Intrastat, and use the newly-added Intrastat column to select a transaction code.

Adding the Intrastat column to an invoice or bill

Partner country

The partner country represents the vendor’s country for bills and the customer’s country for invoices. It is automatically filled in using the country set in the contact’s Country field.

To edit the partner country manually, create an invoice or a bill, click the Other Info tab, and select the Intrastat Country.

Transport code

The transport code identifies the presumed mode of transport used to send the goods (arrival or dispatch).

To add the transport code, create an invoice or a bill, go to the Other info tab, and select the Intrastat Transport Mode.

Value of the goods

The value of a good is the untaxed Subtotal (Price multiplied by Quantity) of an invoice line.

Partner configuration

Two fields from the partner’s contact form are used with Intrastat: VAT and Country. The country can be manually set on the invoice or bill.

Generate the Intrastat report

Generate the report by going to Accounting ‣ Reporting ‣ Audit Reports: Intrastat Report. It is automatically computed based on the default configuration and the information found on the products, invoices and bills, and partners.

Export the report as a PDF, XLSX, or XML file to post it to your legal administration.

Each report line refers to a single invoice line and contains the following information: